Rhythm Culture visit Sunshine Coast Grammar School Vacation Care Centre for a Drum Sing Dance Vacation Care Incursion.The children went on a journey to Guinea, West Africa.
It’s holiday time and once again we begin our vacation care madness over 6 weeks throughout the christmas school holidays. Drum Sing Dance is always fun with lots of visits around the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich and Gold Coast areas. This season we are heading as far south as Byron Bay to see a new centre celebrate their opening day.
Last school holidays we visited the wonderful Sunshine Coast Grammar School vacation care centre for 30 of the school holiday children.
It was a hot day, so we decided to have the session in doors with the air con on. The children were super helpful and helped me set up the chairs. They were very excited about their session on the drums and some of the parents said they had come to the centre especially for this occasion.
All of the children had been to Africa according to a show of hands, we decided to leave that conversation for another time! ahahahahaha
For this session we spent some time on the dance which they all really enjoyed. We went on a journey to Guinea, West Africa and we talked about the dancing in Guinea and how in Africa the people in the community dance on the streets by blocking off the roads. They thought this was a wonderful idea!
The lovely children helped bring all of the drums to the gate when the incursion was over and they all waved goodbye. They were an absolute pleasure to share some West African drum and dance music and culture with. The biggest joy in teaching young children is their active imagination. You can take them on a journey across the world without having to leave the room!
Thanks for having us Sunshine Coast Grammar School Vacation Care Centre!