Last week as another Harmony Week celebration we had the opportunity to share Drum Sing Dance with the children at Only About Children in Brisbane.
The groups were split into three with the babies and toddlers first, then the pre-kindy and finally the kindy. In every session we had about 30 children and each session run for 50mins. Every session had to differ due to the age gaps but in each session we had special moment.
For the toddlers, we had babies falling asleep to the loud sound of the drums and we had toddlers barely standing on their two feet dancing to the dunduns. It was too cute watching these little ones get into the music.
With prekindy, their singing was so enthusiastic and they loved being told that big voices were welcome in this moment of drum sing dance.
Finally, the kindy session thought parts of the singing was so funny. They were in hysterics. It’s hard to keep a straight face when you have children with beaming grins and laughing eyes.
We had an absolute ball and the staff here were so enthusiastic and engaged at Only About Children. We thoroughly enjoyed this incursion! Thanks for having us! We look forward to seeing you again next year at Only About Children For Harmony Week In Brisbane.