
Drum Making workshop Step by Step

Before the drum making workshop your drum has already undergone a journey. The process begins with a living tree often hundreds of years old which is carefully selected and cut down. Traditionally this was done as a ritual and the tree was asked if it wanted to become an instrument. In those days djembes were not sold but made as an act of honour by the blacksmiths of the village. They were a gift to the djembefola and the village. The tree is then cut to the required size and the rough shape of a djembe cut out. The drum is then transported, usually to a village or town where it is carved into a djembe by hand using a range of different tools including adzes, axes, long chisles, and scorps. The shell is left to cure so it doesn’t crack…..

Before you arrived we have selected a beautiful collection of West African shells for you to choose from and here is a step by step breakdown of what the workshop will cover:

  • Choose your shell, rope and fabric (shells will already be oiled up and ready)
  • Rings will be wrapped in your chosen fabric
  • Make the rope loops on the rings
  • Rope up the drum
  • Select the skin and shave when required (skins will already be soaked)
  • Lace the skin onto the bottom ring
  • Place the skin onto the drum and align the top ring
  • Begin to tension the ropes making sure the skins stay square to the drum
  • Continue to tension until the rings are set onto the drum
  • Finish the drum and put out to dry

Bookings and a $50 deposit is essential for this workshop.  Cost depends on what shell you have chosen and will range between $200-$600.


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