
Last weekend we enjoyed drumming and dancing with children and their parents at the Harmony Early Learning Greenslopes Journey grand opening day. The brand new childcare centre in Balmoral, Brisbane has just been completed and the centre was opening its doors for the very first time.

The New Space

When we arrived there were loads of people lining up out the door of Harmony Early Learning Greenslopes. We managed to swivel the drums into the back gate of the childcare centre and out to the mini deck. The new space was absolutely beautiful with little Gardens in a natural setting. Where we were performing was a little wooden deck with a roof, surrounded by logs and wooden stairs. Everything inside was wood and it held the energy of a very calming natural space in the middle of Brisbane.

The Instruments

The children with very little and so we were limited in how much we could actually teach.The session was really more about just having fun, getting a jam happening in the garden with djembes, bongos and percussion instruments. Of course you can’t stop these little ones grooving to the drumming beats. too!

Lots of fun parents joined is in as well. Whilst the adults were lining up for their morning coffee, we could see their tapping feet.

Dancing Stars

There was one little girl in particular during the session that was a dancing star. She stood up on the stage the entire time dancing in front of everyone. Another little girl was particularly fascinated with the big dundun drums. There was face painting and beautiful games set out everywhere so that the children could walk around freely and entertain themselves.

The Parents

We were careful to not drum too loud due to the space being in a residential area sometimes this can be a hard thing to monitor when little kids get so excited but all went well. The parents really enjoyed watching their children getting into the drums and dancing to the music. There were lots of cameras out and lots of photos being taken. There is nothing cuter than a little kid busting out solos on the dance floor. Sometimes it’s hard to focus on the drumming!

Saying Goodbye

As we were packing up lots of the children were still really engaged in the percussion instruments, the djembes and bongos. We packed up slowly but still we had to say an individual goodbye to each child to get our instruments back! Some of the children were very sad to see us go and followed us to the gate.

Thanks for having us Harmony Early Learning Centre! We look forward to our upcoming childcare incursion with you soon!

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